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About Us

About Us

How it started

The story of Diasbytes begins in July 2018. Roy Van den Heede, our CEO, acquires the document management branch, DiAS, from C&C in Oudenaarde. With the acquisition comes the DMS software DiAS Enterprise, a heavy code, on-premise software developed in Progress technology. From there we started rebuilding the software in new technology with the focus on cloud. In 2019, Jan Ghys joined the company as co-owner. From that moment on, Diasbytes has been evolving towards the company we are today:

  • Launch of the Diasonline document managment platform

  • New customers and projects have been serviced

  • Our team has doubled in size since the start

  • Revenue has doubled since the start

We couldn't be more excited about the next opportunities coming our way!

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Our mission

Document management has been there for a long time and comes in many shapes and forms. It is our mission to show our clients what it can mean for their day-to-day operations. We want to bring new and exciting technology to the market and show that, with our document management platform, we can really mean added value to our clients. What makes us different? Just about anything we do:

  • Pricing strategy

  • Dedication to our clients projects

  • Embracing AI technology as if it was always there

... And of course, we want to have as much fun as possible, along the way.

About Us

Our biggest achievements are the smiles we put on our clients faces.

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